The Candelabra Tree, Euphorbia ingens, is local to Africa. The cactus is moreover alluded to as the African Candelabra Tree, Rancher Cactus, and Great Good fortune Cactus. The Candelabra Tree is regularly an open air plant, but can be developed as an indoor cactus as well.
Candelabra Tree Appearance
Candelabra Trees reach a tallness of between 36 to 49 feet (12 to 15 meters) when developed outside but best out much shorter when developed as a houseplant.
On bigger cacti the branches start approximately 3 feet from the ground. The plant will develop a few stems creating sharp spikes.
Blooms show up amid drop and winter creating greenish-yellow blooms taking after a three-lobed capsule.
Candelabra Tree Light Requirements
Grow the African Candelabra Tree in full sun in a south-facing window for ideal development. East or west-facing windows are moreover satisfactory given it gets a few hours of daylight per day. If moving the cactus outside, select a sunny area, ideally protected from solid winds which may topple the plant if developed in a pot.
Water Needs
The Candelabra Tree is a dry season tolerant plant with water-storing capacities. Water amid spring and summer once each two weeks or once the soil feels dry. Utilize a dampness meter embedded into the soil if in question. Due to the plant’s dampness maintenance it is way better to be submerged than overwater. Diminish watering starting in drop and proceed lessening waterings in the winter to periodic or none until early spring.
Temperature and Humidity
As it is considered a forsake cactus, the African Candelabra Tree favors tall temperatures and moo mugginess. Keep temperatures between 74 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit (23 to 28 degrees Celsius). Do not give extra mugginess as this may lead to illness. In sticky climates, utilize a dehumidifier to decrease discuss dampness when conceivable. Candelabra trees are not ice tolerant and, if developed exterior, require to be brought inside once temperatures start to cool in the drop.
Soil and Fertilizer
Grow your Candelabra Tree in a fast-draining soil of two parts coarse sand, one portion peat greenery, and one portion soil. If buying pre-mixed soil, select for a cactus or juicy soil. For included waste, put a layer of fine rock at the foot of the plant’s pot some time recently filling it with soil. This hurries dampness waste and ensures root wellbeing. The Candelabra Tree is a light feeder requiring a 10-10-10 NPK fertilizer, weakened to half quality. Nourish once in the spring to help with development all through the spring and summer.
Candelabra Tree Propagation
Please note the smooth, latex-based sap of this cactus is both harmful and a solid aggravation. Keep this plant absent from children and pets, and do not permit contact with its sap.
Propagate the African Candelabra Tree by cuttings taken from a side department of a develop plant. Wear defensive gloves, clothing, and eye security to dodge contact with the sap. Utilize a sharp and sterile cut to cut 8 inches (20 cm) long. Put the cut conclusion of the department beneath running water until the sap overflowing ceases. Permit the cutting to sit, out of reach of children or creatures, for two weeks to shape a callus. Plant the cutting, callus side down, in a cactus soil blend or your claim well-draining soil blend. Put the cutting in a sunny area and fog frequently until modern development starts.
Candelabra Tree Bugs and Diseases
Due to the harmful sap inside the African Candelabra Trees it is not vulnerable to pervasions from bugs. The most common issue with this cactus is root spoil from overwatering. If root spoil is suspected, trim absent dim or soft roots on littler plants and repot in new soil. Guarantee you wear defensive gloves to secure your hands from the thistles and poisonous sap. For bigger plants that are not effectively evacuated from their pot, blend one portion 3 percent hydrogen peroxide with two parts water and pour the fluid into the plant’s dry soil. This makes a difference murder the microscopic organisms causing the root rot.
The Candelabra Tree is an noteworthy cactus with a classic appearance. In spite of the fact that its harmful, latex sap makes it unacceptable for a few family units, it loans an true vibe to south-western stylistic layout. If dealt with with care it makes an fabulous expansion to your houseplant collection.
Candelabra Tree FAQ
Is the Candelabra Tree Toxic?
It is worth saying once more that, yes, this cacti’s latex sap is greatly harmful if ingested and a serious aggravation when it comes in contact with skin or eyes. Alway wear defensive adapt when taking care of this cactus and keep it absent from pets and children.
How Long Does it Take a Candelabra Tree to Reach Full Height?
It can take up to 20 a long time for a Candelabra Tree to reach its develop height.
Do the Blossoms of the Candelabra Tree Have Fragrance?
No, not one or the other the blossoms or plant itself deliver off any fragrance but they still pull in pollinators such as butterflies, bees, and insects.
When Ought to I Repot My African Candelabra Tree?
Repot the cactus once it has outgrown its pot. Spring and summer are the best times. Continuously guarantee you wear defensive gloves and clothing when dealing with this plant.
Are Candelabra Trees Troublesome to Grow?
No, the Candelabra Tree has negligible prerequisites to flourish. Give the prescribed warm, mugginess, and water sparingly.